Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My first AA!

I have been playing beatmania for a little while now, as I have recently aquired a controller for the game. Finally, I got my first AA grade on a song. Of course, it was the easiest song in the game, and it took 13 tries to get the high score (not continuously)... My skills in the game have been improving though. Here's to higher scores and harder songs!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back to Class Again and... Facial Hair???

I just started my next class at the University of Phoenix Online today. That was where the quote below came from, by the way. The class is PSY320 - Human Motivation. We are discussing motivation theories, analyzing motivation in the workplace, and applying what we learn to our workplace. While this is an upper division course, it is only my second class with UoP Online. Because of my training in the Navy, I had A LOT of credits transferred and it moved me into a junior class level. This class is an elective that I need to complete prior to starting my course work in my degree: BS in Information Technology. After I'm done with PSY320, I have one more elective to complete in Humanities (ugh!) and then I'm all done with General Education!! Yay!

So, today is also my last day of leave. Lately, when I find myself away from work for an extended period of time, I grow a goatee. I thought this one turned out quite well. So, I thought I'd share a comparison head shot for everyone to see. I look pretty different with hair on my face, don't I? hehehe...

During Leave Back to work...

Our Workplace

"As you enter this place of work, please CHOOSE to make today a great day. Your colleagues, customers, team members, and you yourself will be thankful. Find ways to PLAY. We can be serious about our work without being serious about ourselves. Stay focused to BE PRESENT when your customers and team members most need you. And should you feel your energy lapsing, try this sure-fire remedy: find some one who needs ahelping hand, a word of support, or a good ear - and MAKE THEIR DAY." - from the book, Fish.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Demented Dora the Explorer

Sing along with me:

"We did it! We did it! We did it! Yeah!
Lo hicimos! We did it!

We crossed the bridge and killed the Troll, yeah
We did it, we did it, we did it, yeah!
We made it through the forest and smoked a bowl, yeah
We did it, we did it, we did it, we did it
Swiper came and stole our stash along the way
But Dora pulled her gat out and shot him, hooray!

Yeah! Wooooo! Hooray!
We did it!"

Juri and I have a lot of free time! hehehe...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

On Vacation and WoW is EVIL!

Well, it's been quite a while since my last post, largely due to my laziness and not having much to write about.

I just recently went home to Sacramento to visit family, with an initial detour to Disneyland! We had sooo much fun at Disneyland! The kids were great, despite the huge holiday crowds, and really enjoyed every ride and sight there was to see. We especially liked the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride. It was especially cool because we were given the option to email the ride picture to our email address, complete with our high score! We also went across the street to California Adventure, Disneyland's more thrill ride area. Soarin' over California, California Screamin, and Tower of Terror were excellent rides!!

After Disneyland, went spent time with Juri's and my family. The kids were happy to see their grandparents again and it was good to see our parents too. This time, we kept our visit home short so that we aren't driven crazy by them. It was a great idea, because we are already ready to go home now! I'm writing this entry from Juri's parents and we go home tomorrow.

So, for the second half of this post. Juri's brothers are all possessed by the power of World of Warcraft, the latest craze in the Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game genre. While I am a RPG fan myself, I've never thought of the MMORPG subgenre to be particularly exciting. It seems to suck so much time away from your life, and I have precious little time to spend on something like that. Well, Juri's brothers cannot escape the power of WoW. In fact, one of her brothers is laying on the floor, bored to death, while his other brother plays the game, because they only have one copy of the game so they cannot play at the same time. Instead of doing something else with his time, he idles away, hoping to get some more time in before he goes to bed. If he had any homework to do, it isn't accomplished. Her middle brother just graduated high school and doesn't have a job or plan on going back to college. I just don't think the game is healthy for relationships and life. Funny to hear that from a gamer like me.