Tuesday, May 30, 2006


So, but um, ... yeah! That's what my lovely wife, Juri, says a lot! It cracks me up!

Anyway, I've been stuck for a little while now on how I should go about mounting my speakers into the arcade cabinet. They are supposed to hang down from the top of the cabinet through the bottom of the marquee, right in front of the monitor. Well, I bought a cheap, yet good, 2.1 speaker set by Creative Labs. It has a subwoofer with 2 satellites and a remote volume adjuster. The sub is going inside the cabinet with the computer, and the satellites will be installed as I described above. However, removing the speakers out of their casing will be detrimental to the sound quality and don't have any great way of mounting them. After over a week of being stumped over this, Juri's wonderful creativity saved the day!

Here is a picture of her idea:
If I take a strip of MDF and go across the middle of the speaker panel of the cabinet, and glue that brace to the speakers, it should hold on to the speakers pretty well. I may have to sand the speakers where the brace will glue to it to hold it properly. I'm also going to have to disconnect the wires from the remote volume unit to be able to run the speaker wires through the middle of the brace. Once I cut holes in the speaker panel to place the speakers into, I will mount the speaker brace to a hunk of MDF to elevate the height of the speakers. Also, in the event any light tries to leak out from the marquee through the holes I made in the speaker panel, I can use some black felt to block the light out.

She's a genius! I love my wife!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

To the Movies!

Today, we went out to the drive-in to see Over the Hedge. This was, without a doubt, the best visit to the drive-in we've had yet as a family. The kids were very well behaved! We backed the car up and opened the trunk so the kids could sit in there, stay warm, and enjoy some popcorn. Juri and I sat in chairs in front of the car. Eventually, Juri hopped into the car trunk as well. It was pretty funny to see everyone in that trunk, but they all fit comfortably. The movie was quite funny too.
It was nice to be able to get out to the drive-in, despite the low funds at the end of this month. I made a mistake in thinking that I had everything set up for my Tuition Assistance for one of my college courses, but it turns out that wasn't the case. We had to cough up our own money to pay the dues, and it has hurt us. We were supposed to go to Virginia this long weekend to visit with our friend Matt. I was going to help him with his new home by working on his bathroom. I feel absolutely horrible about it because Juri was really looking forward to this trip (as was I), and she wanted a vacation. I really hope that I can make it up to you, babydoll!!

Next week is Sean's birthday party. We are having a Pirate Party, with a pirate themed bouncy house, and a treasure hunt. It should be a blast! My work has also started the softball season, and I'm playing with my section. We had our first game yesterday, but I wasn't able to make it due to prior obligations. I'll update the sidebar with results of our games.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

MyPlace in Space!

So, I decided to advertise my blog here on Blogger by the use of MySpace. I resolved that I'd never use MySpace, because I think that the web pages produced by that site are utter garbage. I don't know if it is the controls that MySpace gives you, or if the majority of people just have a horrible sense of web design and color coordination, but it seems like most pages are god awful to look at (Joel, yours looks really good). So, if you came here because of my link on MySpace, and you disagree with me, feel free to comment on this blog entry with a link to your web page. Enjoy my real blog. I've got a few entries here. If you are my old high school friends, check out what I've been up to for the past while. It'll be good to hear from you again!

Oh yeah, MySpace has advertisements! Ugh!