Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Stones in my pee-pee?

Oh yeah, it has happened! I have kidney stones! Yesterday at work, I felt my back start to ache. I thought it was just some minor back pains. Later on that night, my back really started to hurt. It was a dull ache that throbbed, and it was only at the right side of my lower back. Juri tried to crack my back, but it didn't do much. I took some Tylenol and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, the pain was still there and when I went to the bathroom, it looked like I was extremely dehydrated. So, I drank water all morning and peed a lot. My urine looked better, and the pain seemed to ebb a bit. But then, at lunch time, the ache became unbearable! My pee looked like I had blood in it too! I was really scared then! I knew there was something wrong with my kidney at that point! I called medical and they told me to come in right away. Of course, as soon as I get to the clinic, my pain subsides. They have me pee in a cup, and determine that I have kidney stones! So, now I get to strain my urine to find the stone, and figure out if I will need to modify my diet a lot or not.

In other news, Juri has found the wonderful world of Google Video!! Try some of these searches: Nintendo acapella, matrix ping pong, and funny cat. Good stuff!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Target Slips Up!

So, I just discovered that Target made a misprint in their ad and online catalog listing the Nintendo DS as only $99.99! This is $30 off the list price!! To top this off, and to make this even news worthy, Target is honoring the misprint and selling the DS's at that price! How's that for a deal? So, you can save money on the DS and use that money to buy your first game. Here's a screen shot:

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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sleepless Nights

I have just as hard a time transitioning from Nights to Days as I do vice versa. Last night, when I put the kids to bed, I was so tired that I just passed out on the floor. I did it on purpose because I knew I wouldn't have survived anyway for the hour it'd take for them to fall asleep. So, Juri came to wake me up at 11pm and we went to bed. I slept for another 3 hours, and then I was awake! I may have drifted in and out of sleep over the course of 2am to 4:30pm, but I just couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well... I took to chance to get up early and take time in the morning to get prepared for work, instead of being rushed. It's going to suck tonight though! =)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yay! Thanksgiving!!

It's snowing! Juri is making yummy food!! I managed to defeat my nemesis "The Phoenix" on Warning Forever (though I died against the next boss, "Hexa-Forced Phoenix Hell") and got a new high score!

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Anyway, today has been a day of laziness and snow playing. Lots of fun!

My friend Matt gave some directions on his blog to Google the word "failure" and press I'm Feeling Lucky. In case you are wondering why you get the resulting web page, here is Google's reason. I've heard of the term "Googlebombing" before, but this is the first time I've seen it's effect as a practical joke. Pretty funny!

Monday, November 21, 2005


I'm horrible for several reasons:

  1. I haven't posted to this blog in a while. I know it isn't a big reason for being horrible, but it is a start to all the problems. I made this blog so that my family on the West Coast would be able to keep up with how I am doing in life and what kind of person I am nowadays. I was hoping to blog at least once a day, but I have obviously slacked in that department. The worst part is that I haven't told anyone about this blog except for a few friends and my dad. I haven't even told my mom, grandparents, and in-laws. Pretty lame!
  2. I'm supposed to buy snow tires for my car, since the winter is coming and my tires are low profile racing tires that probably won't hold any traction in the snowy roads. I've done some research and found that it'll be hard to find all-weather tires for 17" rims that will fit in my wheel well. That means that I may have to buy new rims as well! I was supposed to call my dealer to ask them for ideas or even if they have tires to accommodate the rims I already have, but I haven't done so yet!
  3. I made a system to keep track of our money when we were in a pinch, but as things got better again, I slacked off on it. Now, I'm behind on tracking our spending, and when Juri asked me to print a new register, I haven't done so. I was wanting to use a computer program instead (like Money or Quicken), but I realize now (as I type this) that our system let's us see exactly how much money we have easily! So, I need to print a new register right now! There! Now I need to update it...
  4. Today, Juri asked me to do the dishes. I totally forgot to do them! Now, she is really pissed at me. The reason is a really good one. I haven't been helping out with keeping the house clean as of late. Simply put, I've been tired and lazy. However, my reason is really lame! Juri has been in horrible pain lately when Sean headbutted her in the face, and her wisdom teeth need to be removed very soon! Her teeth must be horribly impacted right now. So, she hasn't been able to sleep well either. Juri must feel like she is constantly working too, since she takes care of the kids all day, and works on the weekdays at Curves. I'm sure she needs a break!

There are other reasons, I'm sure, as to why I'm a horrible person. Every time I make a plan to do something, it falls by the wayside. I thought that making a Todo list on my desktop would help get my ass in gear, but that obviously hasn't worked, since I haven't accomplished any of those tasks...

Please feel free to berate me. This isn't like me at all, and I need to change NOW!

P.S.: I know that it pisses you off, Juri, when I apologize in writing to you. This is more of an admittance to my faults as of late. When I come home in the morning, I'll have a better apology for you than the one I had for you this evening...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Back to school... again!

After a hiatus, thanks to some conflicts at work and the near mast incident, I'm going to start my next class in January. I started going to college on my birthday this year with the University of Phoenix Online. The school is known for having the toughest online school system in the country! They have a great deal for active duty military, where all your lower-division courses are free (except for books) when I use my Tuition Assistance. So, I finished my first class, and when that was done, my transfer credits came in from doing the Nuke program and some other miscellaneous classes I've taken. Now, after some life speed bumps, I'm back at it again. While my next class isn't until January, I need to take two proficiency tests for the math and English credits I transferred. Oh, my next class is an upper-division course (Human Motivation, PSY320), so it'll actually cost more money. Fortunately, there is a Tuition Assistance Top-Up program, which uses money from the MGI Bill that I put money in 7 years ago! Yay for free college!!