- I haven't posted to this blog in a while. I know it isn't a big reason for being horrible, but it is a start to all the problems. I made this blog so that my family on the West Coast would be able to keep up with how I am doing in life and what kind of person I am nowadays. I was hoping to blog at least once a day, but I have obviously slacked in that department. The worst part is that I haven't told anyone about this blog except for a few friends and my dad. I haven't even told my mom, grandparents, and in-laws. Pretty lame!
- I'm supposed to buy snow tires for my car, since the winter is coming and my tires are low profile racing tires that probably won't hold any traction in the snowy roads. I've done some research and found that it'll be hard to find all-weather tires for 17" rims that will fit in my wheel well. That means that I may have to buy new rims as well! I was supposed to call my dealer to ask them for ideas or even if they have tires to accommodate the rims I already have, but I haven't done so yet!
- I made a system to keep track of our money when we were in a pinch, but as things got better again, I slacked off on it. Now, I'm behind on tracking our spending, and when Juri asked me to print a new register, I haven't done so. I was wanting to use a computer program instead (like Money or Quicken), but I realize now (as I type this) that our system let's us see exactly how much money we have easily! So, I need to print a new register right now! There! Now I need to update it...
- Today, Juri asked me to do the dishes. I totally forgot to do them! Now, she is really pissed at me. The reason is a really good one. I haven't been helping out with keeping the house clean as of late. Simply put, I've been tired and lazy. However, my reason is really lame! Juri has been in horrible pain lately when Sean headbutted her in the face, and her wisdom teeth need to be removed very soon! Her teeth must be horribly impacted right now. So, she hasn't been able to sleep well either. Juri must feel like she is constantly working too, since she takes care of the kids all day, and works on the weekdays at Curves. I'm sure she needs a break!
There are other reasons, I'm sure, as to why I'm a horrible person. Every time I make a plan to do something, it falls by the wayside. I thought that making a Todo list on my desktop would help get my ass in gear, but that obviously hasn't worked, since I haven't accomplished any of those tasks...
Please feel free to berate me. This isn't like me at all, and I need to change NOW!
P.S.: I know that it pisses you off, Juri, when I apologize in writing to you. This is more of an admittance to my faults as of late. When I come home in the morning, I'll have a better apology for you than the one I had for you this evening...
I love you, but honestly, I couldn't have summed it up better myself.
Yeah dude, you suck! Do some dishes. Tires?! That's a safety issue-you know better than that! And write in your blog- you're bad influence on me when you don't write. If you set a better example I may not be so screwed up!
Ya and your horrible cause this is 2 days later and still no blog entry! Of course I love you still....
Hey Bud, Third time tonight I've tried to respond. Maybe it will work this time (been my fault each time). I think this is a wonderful Idea as it does let me stop by occasionally and keep up to speed. I've been by a couple other times as well and now that I've figured out how to respond (maybe) I'll say hi more often.
Love ya,
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