Thursday, April 20, 2006

Are you ready for some... Softball?

Recently, a bunch of us a worked started working out who was going to play softball for our work section. The two prototypes have a team for each section plus the daystaffers, and the Air National Guard and NSU have one too, for a total of 14 teams. I decided that I would play this year, despite the fact that I haven't played an organized sport in a very, very long time. Sure, I played tackle football with friends on the Enterprise off and on, but it wasn't official, and definitely not very organized.

My friend , Jesse, and I have been practicing playing catch for a little while so that we could get a head start prior to official practices. Well, we've only been able to do it once. Today is our first practice and I will be there with family in tow. It should be interesting. I'm going to be really sore tomorrow!!

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