Sunday, July 30, 2006

Working Hard!

After I finished priming the arcade cabinet, I took a little break thanks to the horrendously humid and wet weather. Now, I am back at it, sanding down the primer coat to get toward a smooth final coat. I was going to do another coat of primer, however after I finished the majority of the sanding, Juri and I noticed that it shouldn't need another coat. The primer should do its job of protecting the cabinet from humidity and the sanding is smoothing it out enough to prepare the surfaces for the black paint. So, after I finish sanding sometime this week, I'll start painting!!

Once I get the first coat of black paint on, I'm going to prep the control panel for priming and painting. I've been letting that thing sit for way too long. I need to get that finished up so I can install the buttons and begin playing with it!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Amazing Day

Yesterday had some of the most gorgeous weather for the year in Saratoga Springs. The humidity had finally been driven away and the air was cool thanks to a gentle breeze. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I decided that we'd eat dinner outside that day. I pulled out a blanket from the closet and placed it on the ground in the front yard. We had some kabobs with rice for dinner. Afterword, we let the kids play outside for a couple hours while Juri weeded her garden and I painted the arcade cabinet some more.
Today's weather is nearly the same, but slightly warmer. I took Maia out on her bike while I followed her around the neighborhood.

In other news, I just earned the Orange Leitmark from the Perplex City Academy today for earning over 2300 points. They should be sending it out next month. That's three total now!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


At work yesterday, every action that we took was counteracted to the point that, for all intents and purposes, absolutely nothing was accomplished! When we made an attempt to fix one of our computer systems, after a couple of hours, the exact same crash occured as before, leaving us where we started. When I went to a training session for my qualifications in our reactor computer simulator, it crashed as well! Finally, just before we got out of work, we replaced this phone box because of the problems that have been occuring with it, but upon replacement, the same problems plagued the phone.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Journey to Virginia

In a sort of last minute change of plans, the family and I went down to Virginia to visit my friends Matt and Pam. I was originally going to go to Massachusettes to attend a Bemani festival at an arcade filled with Beatmania IIDX, but I knew that I'd have more fun with my friends, and it gave us the chance to get away and take a vacation.

So, on Thursday night, after Juri got off work, we started our nine hour drive down to Virginia. For having woken up at 6am that morning for work, I managed to make the entire drive without any near death experiences! Juri bought some Vault, which I think really helped a lot. Despite two missed turns, we made it in a little over ten hours. Of course, once we arrived at Matt's house, I passed out!!

On Friday, Juri and I acclimated ourselves back to a day time schedule after the long night of driving. Matt and I worked together to solve my latest black Perplex City card, called Little Pigley Farm. It was a cross number puzzle, and it was really tough. Our Wonder Twin powers made us a force to be reckoned with, and we finished the puzzle in only an hour and a half. Today, we took the kids to Mount Trashmore, and I am now taking a break to write this blog from helping Matt tile his newly expanded shower!