Saturday, July 08, 2006

Journey to Virginia

In a sort of last minute change of plans, the family and I went down to Virginia to visit my friends Matt and Pam. I was originally going to go to Massachusettes to attend a Bemani festival at an arcade filled with Beatmania IIDX, but I knew that I'd have more fun with my friends, and it gave us the chance to get away and take a vacation.

So, on Thursday night, after Juri got off work, we started our nine hour drive down to Virginia. For having woken up at 6am that morning for work, I managed to make the entire drive without any near death experiences! Juri bought some Vault, which I think really helped a lot. Despite two missed turns, we made it in a little over ten hours. Of course, once we arrived at Matt's house, I passed out!!

On Friday, Juri and I acclimated ourselves back to a day time schedule after the long night of driving. Matt and I worked together to solve my latest black Perplex City card, called Little Pigley Farm. It was a cross number puzzle, and it was really tough. Our Wonder Twin powers made us a force to be reckoned with, and we finished the puzzle in only an hour and a half. Today, we took the kids to Mount Trashmore, and I am now taking a break to write this blog from helping Matt tile his newly expanded shower!

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