Thursday, September 07, 2006

Band Aids and Best Friends

So, my daughter has this freak obsession with Band Aids. For some reason, she will occasionally ask for a box of band aids, and then proceed to stick nearly the whole box all over her legs. It's really a funny sight to behold, but at the same time, it bothers me because of the mess she leaves from the wrappers and such. I really need to get a picture of her with band aids all over her and post it on this blog...

My best friend, Matt, was shipped out to the USS Enterprise, which is currently deployed, today. He carries on the Erson Twins tradition, following in my footsteps by going to the ship that I was stationed on three years ago. We recently received a wedding invitation from him and, of course, my family and I will be attending. So, I called him last night to wish him luck during his short deployment, since it is returning in November some time. During that call, he asked me if I would be his Best Man! I was very honored that he thought of me for this. Thanks again, Matt!! I know you can't read this on the ship, but thanks!!

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