Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Long Time Ago...

I know, I know... It took me forever to update this blog. I've been really busy. I'm not going to apologize. I can't make up for the lack of updates. I didn't realize that blogging was actually a lot of work. But, Juri and I were talking recently during our road trip up to Sacramento, CA. She said that I should start up my blog again. I thought about it and realized that was a very good idea. I want to tell my family and friends about the things that I do and what I want to accomplish. So, getting the blog up and running again is a good way to do this.

So, many things have changed in the past year plus. My family and I moved across the country from New York to San Diego, CA. I am now stationed on the USS Nimitz, which has just returned from a four month surge deployment. We are scheduled to deploy again in a year or so from now. I'm delving back into the world of computer programming again. I recently bought a new laptop (which makes blogging easier) so that I can work on programming on deployment. I also signed on to run the Disneyland Half Marathon this year on August 31st! I'm preparing daily for it by alternating between running and strength training. I'm working hard to increase my endurance.

Anyway, I will be writing more in this blog now. I hope to have something to write everyday. I will talk about games that I am playing, programming that I done, and things going on in my life and work. Thanks for reading.

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