Monday, October 31, 2005


What a great day! I love this holiday as much as Christmas! Juri and I set up our yard very well this year. We had a graveyard with some bones sticking out of freshly dug graves, we had a fog machine, and Juri made an awesome crime scene on our driveway. People were very impressed with our setup and I think we had the best setting in housing! Of course, it probably doesn't compare to Josh's Haunted Yard, but I'd like to think we are getting there. (Can't wait to see your pics, Josh)

After I took the kids trick-or-treating, I played tricks on the older kids who were now coming by. I hid behind our huge bush and sprayed more fog as people came up to the house. Juri would give the kids and teens candy, and then I'd jump out from the fog as people were leaving or getting the candy. It was so great to hear the screams! Hahahaha!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's Over!

For over two months, I've had a horrible event hanging over my head. Now I can finally relax!

Here is the scoop:
I had to go to Captain's Mast today for an issue with a tagout at work. Tagouts are a process that we use to ensure the safety of maintenance workers and prevent equipment damage. Tags are hung on breakers and valves with a sign to prevent their operation. A fair amount of research can be involved to ensure that everything that can input power into the component we are working on is tagged out. The more complicated the job, the harder and longer the research will take.
During our shutdown period, the shipyard is taking apart very major equipment, requiring us to do some major research. In order to ensure we do the job right, two people are require to independently determine the tags we need to hang. So, I had one of my guys start researching while the rest of us did some other work that was required to be accomplished that day. I was getting pressure from our supervision to get the tagout written quickly so that the shipyard could begin their work. I succumbed to this pressure and missed the fact that the first person missed a component to tag.
Because of this failure of writing a proper tagout, I was to be sent to Captain's Mast. However, the process is supposed to go a lot quicker than over two months! I have been stressing over going to see the Captain that I haven't slept well, and that I've been breaking out with random zits and gray hairs. Ugh... Anyway, I go see the Captain today and instead of holding Mast, he reprimands me and the guy who wrote the tagout. So, I'm not getting reduced in rank, or losing any money. I did lose some sanity and sleep though. I'm so glad that this is over!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Josh found me!

So, my old friend Josh found me apparently! Long time no see, man! By the way, you may have found me, but I still don't have your email address, so get in touch with me by clicking on my email link on this page!

For everyone else, Josh McGrew is a great friend of mine from the Enterprise. Well, he got out of the Navy and moved to Washington or something, or maybe he went back to Iowa. Who knows? Hopefully, we'll get in touch again, so freaking email me!!!

Friday, October 21, 2005


I'm having a little get together with my friends from work at our house tonight. It's been a while since my division has had a group gathering, so I figured that while I was the LPO, I'd initiate a get together of my own. Well, people should be arriving in a few minutes and I'm kind of nervous. The reason: I suck at throwing parties! The only successful one that I ever did was Juri's surprise birthday, every other time I try to have some sort of party, people end up bored. I hope tonight is different, but I don't know how much fun we can have on a night before a work day. How lame am I to have a party on the day before we go back to work?! DUH!! What a retard...

Monday, October 17, 2005

Old Skool

I recently pulled out my old Super Nintendo, which I believe is one of the greatest video game systems ever! It is so funny holding the old controller. It seems so small compared to the new controllers of the PS2 and GameCube. Anyway, I've been playing Contra III: The Alien Wars, and it's been a blast! Games of old had a challenge level that obliterates the majority of today's games. The last boss in Contra III is especially difficult! Guh! I'm out of practice so I imagine another day of play will get me back to my old skill level at the game.

Don't get me wrong, I love the games of today too. Shadow of the Colossus comes out tomorrow, which I'm really excited about. Then there is Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Kingdom Hearts 2, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, beatmania, etc, etc, etc. I'm an addict, I'll admit it! =)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Navy Ball

Today, Juri and I went to the Navy's Birthday Ball, or just Navy Ball for short. It was a very formal affair, so Juri had har hair done up and nails manicured. We got her a beautiful dress. She was absolutely gorgeous! I had to wear a uniform, with the cracker jack outfit the minimum. Not wanting to be looking like everyone else, I opted to go above the cracker jacks and wear my wedding outfit, the Dinner Dress Blues. There was dinner, dancing, and door prizes. I won a $20 gift card to The Gap. After a few hours, Juri and I left because all they were playing was lame country music. Not that I expected the DJ to play any techno or anything of that sort, but country music is so depressing!

Nonetheless, we had a wonderful night, and we owe Matt for being the one who was able to make it happen. He watched the kids for us! Thanks, Matt!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm... a Porn Star!!!

Your Porn Star Name is: Rod Steel

Night of Nights

This is the night that I stay up in between the Swings and Mids shift, doing whatever I want to do. I haven't written to the blog in a few days, so I thought I'd start the night by doing that.

I've made HUGE progress to the arcade cabinet in the past few days. My control panel construction came along quite well. Right now, I'm laying out the controls in pencil, see how it feels, and then begin drilling the holes for the buttons, joysticks and trackball. I think I'm going to need to buy a router to be able to install the joysticks and trackball though, since the MDF is pretty thick at 3/4". I need a router to be able to cut grooves for the T-molding to fit into as well.

Matt and I played DDR Extreme 2 for three hours continuously today. I think that has been the longest I have ever spent playing DDR straight. I've been playing the game for years, and I never had a stretch of game time like that. I was pretty tired at the end, but we made some good progress through Dance Master Mode. However, I cheated a little before I went to nap for the Night of Nights. I used a controller to pass a couple of bothersome missions. I admit it.

Well, I think I'm going to finish drawing in the rest of the buttons on the control panel, and then play some games on the computer. I'm going to turn on Adult Swim too. I love Family Guy!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Progress and DDR Extreme 2

I've been really busy lately. My four day weekend went very, very well! We went apple picking, got a new digital camera and DDR Extreme 2. The thing that makes DDR Extreme 2 so much fun is it's new Dance Master Mode. Normally, DDR games have you unlock new songs to dance to by playing from a set of 40-50 songs repeatedly. Now, you only start with 20 songs unlocked and you have to play the Dance Master mode to quickly unlock the other 54 songs, otherwise it will take much longer by the normal means. Dance Master mode requires the player to complete challenges such as reaching a certain score or grade, or not stepping on a particular arrow, or completing a custom dance routine. It can be very challenging and exciting, because there are all of these hidden paths to new songs and special things to buy with your points you earn from completing a song. Pretty fun!

Also, I've managed to make some progress on my big arcade cabinet project! I finally managed to get the control panel together! I was having such a tough time getting the sides of the panel attached to the bottom, because my glue wasn't holding up, or pieces weren't aligning properly. I ended up puting the project on hiatus for a few months because I was getting so aggrivated. Well, I decided to pick up where I left off because I realized what my problem was: impatience! I wasn't taking the time to let the Liquid Nails glue dry completely, so the glue wouldn't completely bond to my MDF wood. I figured out what I could be doing while I'm waiting for glue to dry from here on out. I can work on my artwork (which I'm still working on a theme for), design my control panel, and I can get some more pieces of my cabinet cut that warped or weren't cut very well. So, there is plenty that I can accomplish on the cabinet while not directly working on the construction. I just need to take my time, and not rush things. I've spent a good chunk of change on this and I don't want the arcade cabinet to look like crap. =)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Kids are Asleep!

Yay! Time for some Katamari, Classic Doom, and Castlevania!