Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's Over!

For over two months, I've had a horrible event hanging over my head. Now I can finally relax!

Here is the scoop:
I had to go to Captain's Mast today for an issue with a tagout at work. Tagouts are a process that we use to ensure the safety of maintenance workers and prevent equipment damage. Tags are hung on breakers and valves with a sign to prevent their operation. A fair amount of research can be involved to ensure that everything that can input power into the component we are working on is tagged out. The more complicated the job, the harder and longer the research will take.
During our shutdown period, the shipyard is taking apart very major equipment, requiring us to do some major research. In order to ensure we do the job right, two people are require to independently determine the tags we need to hang. So, I had one of my guys start researching while the rest of us did some other work that was required to be accomplished that day. I was getting pressure from our supervision to get the tagout written quickly so that the shipyard could begin their work. I succumbed to this pressure and missed the fact that the first person missed a component to tag.
Because of this failure of writing a proper tagout, I was to be sent to Captain's Mast. However, the process is supposed to go a lot quicker than over two months! I have been stressing over going to see the Captain that I haven't slept well, and that I've been breaking out with random zits and gray hairs. Ugh... Anyway, I go see the Captain today and instead of holding Mast, he reprimands me and the guy who wrote the tagout. So, I'm not getting reduced in rank, or losing any money. I did lose some sanity and sleep though. I'm so glad that this is over!


Pam Emerson said...


Anonymous said...

Well the grey hairs are just because you're old, but the zits are pretty gross. *kisses* But I'd love you even if half your face fell off! LOL I am glad it's over too. . . it didn't over affect our family life, but knowing you were stressed iut and worried made me stressed out and worried too. :)

Anonymous said...

Thinking back, I was very lucky to have never gone to mast. It's not like I kept my mouth shut or stayed calm. And it's not like I was never involved with anything shady. I had read the previous blurb about mast-I think it was on Juri's blog-and I was wordering about that. I'm glad everything worked out alright for ya, too bad you had to simultaneously go through puberty and middle-age while waiting and worring for two months. I would not have been able to sleep either.