Thursday, October 06, 2005

Progress and DDR Extreme 2

I've been really busy lately. My four day weekend went very, very well! We went apple picking, got a new digital camera and DDR Extreme 2. The thing that makes DDR Extreme 2 so much fun is it's new Dance Master Mode. Normally, DDR games have you unlock new songs to dance to by playing from a set of 40-50 songs repeatedly. Now, you only start with 20 songs unlocked and you have to play the Dance Master mode to quickly unlock the other 54 songs, otherwise it will take much longer by the normal means. Dance Master mode requires the player to complete challenges such as reaching a certain score or grade, or not stepping on a particular arrow, or completing a custom dance routine. It can be very challenging and exciting, because there are all of these hidden paths to new songs and special things to buy with your points you earn from completing a song. Pretty fun!

Also, I've managed to make some progress on my big arcade cabinet project! I finally managed to get the control panel together! I was having such a tough time getting the sides of the panel attached to the bottom, because my glue wasn't holding up, or pieces weren't aligning properly. I ended up puting the project on hiatus for a few months because I was getting so aggrivated. Well, I decided to pick up where I left off because I realized what my problem was: impatience! I wasn't taking the time to let the Liquid Nails glue dry completely, so the glue wouldn't completely bond to my MDF wood. I figured out what I could be doing while I'm waiting for glue to dry from here on out. I can work on my artwork (which I'm still working on a theme for), design my control panel, and I can get some more pieces of my cabinet cut that warped or weren't cut very well. So, there is plenty that I can accomplish on the cabinet while not directly working on the construction. I just need to take my time, and not rush things. I've spent a good chunk of change on this and I don't want the arcade cabinet to look like crap. =)


Pam Emerson said...

Glad I got to play some DDR before to unlock all the songs up to the insanly hard ones ;P that new dance master mode rocks.

Anonymous said...

SERIOUSLY! It's been FOREVER since you last blogged! I'm gonna take your link off MY blog if you dont' update!