Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Can't Sleep... Random Thoughts

We've gone to bed, yet I can't sleep. I know that part of the reason is that I fell asleep while I was putting the little ones to sleep tonight for an hour. However, m mind is also racing from one random thought to another, so I figured writing about them might help put my mind to rest and let me catch some Z's. So, here we go in no particular order or sense...
  • Maggie won Big Brother 6 tonight. Good because Ivette didn't win, bad because Janelle didn't make it to the end.
  • Is this issue with tagouts ever going to be resolved? Will I go to Captain's Mast soon? Who is driving this insanity? Are they just trying to make an example out of my coworker and I?
  • I got another new person at work today. I need to introduce him to the rest of the section tomorrow and make room for him on the planner program (I shouldn't have deleted those extra spaces we had before, Matt).
  • Final Fantasy VII is god awful by today's standards! I can't believe how much I loved that game when it came out, and how great I thought the graphics looked. We've come a long way since then! And who the hell translated that game?? It's horrible!
  • Am I too hard on my children? I feel like I am. I really don't want Maia to act like a spoiled brat, but she seems to get worse day by day. I think I push Sean too hard to be normal, which is definitely wrong.
  • We raised a lot of money for the Albany Autism Society Walk, but those people who said that they were going to donate on the web site after the Walk ended still haven't done so... and probably will not ever.
  • I really need to get back to work on my arcade cabinet!! What a slacker I am! That control panel has me really pissed though. Maybe after taking such a long break from it will help be gain a new perspective on its construction.
  • Why do I keep having these issues with my router randomly dropping our connection?! Where are these DoS attacks coming from that the router's firewall is blocking? Is that the reason for the random loss of connection to the router?

Alright, that's enough. I feel a little better getting that off my chest now. I hope I can fall asleep now. Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have told me that you couldn't sleep. We would have had sex. That ALWAYS fixes it!!