Thursday, September 22, 2005


My wife comes upstairs while I'm giving the kids a bath and tells me, "Guess what? A Bungie employee called."
I exclaimed, "What!? Who called? Why?" I'm thinking my wife put me on some contest on the Red vs. Blue website or something like that.
She says, "Yeah, Master Chief called for you!"
Huh? What? Turns out, she was talking about my master chief at work! Silly Juri! =) That definitely made me laugh.

In other news, I went out and bought We ♥ Katamari today! Yay! It's really funny, and a lot of fun to play. Juri and I got to try the two-player co-op mode, which was quite difficult to do. I'm sure that once we get the hang of the modified controls, it'll be much smoother.

1 comment:

Pam Emerson said...

Can't wait to come over play Katimari =)