Saturday, September 17, 2005

Walk for Autism

Tomorrow, my family will be participating in the Walk for Autism. We were able to raise over $400!! Good stuff! I want to thank everyone who was able to donate to this cause, even with all the other great causes to donate to recently. I've always felt bad about asking people for money, but this time was different. My son, Sean, has been diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD), a part of the autistic spectrum. So, it has become a more personal cause for me.

When I was young, I participated in the Aids Walk often. One of my cousins died from Aids, so I felt compelled to help. Juri always says that I feel compelled to help anyone in need. However, I was never able to raise much money for the Aids Walks that I was a part of because I hated to ask others for money. Now I realize that the issue was a personal one. By being personally impacted by the autistic spectrum, I knew that money I raised could personally aid my family in the future, whether it was through research to find a cause or cure.

I wish my family luck tomorrow. I wish I could walk with them, but I have to work. We don't ahve enough people at work lately to support me taking the day off that day. =(

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