Thursday, September 29, 2005

Open House

Today was Open House at Sean's school. It was great to see his classroom and his teachers, learn about the instruction they do, and meet all of his teachers. His new ABA class has really helped him a lot! It was amazing to hear from Sean's teachers about all the good stuff that he is accomplishing and talk about the new things he has started to do at home on his own. Sean is a wonderful boy, and I am so proud of him. Apparently, Sean has been participating more and more in his group sessions, and speaking sentences without prompting lately. I've noticed the sentences at home as well over the past week. My little boy is getting big!

On the way to the Open House, I saw a billboard that made me teary. It was one of those Organization for a Better Life billboards. It was of a man sitting on the summit of Mt. Everest and the caption said, "Climbed Everest. Blind." For some reason, that just really got me!

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