Tuesday, December 20, 2005
More randomness
"It's alright everyone, it's only Death!" -- Mrs. Claus to the elves on the Billy and Mandy Save Christmas special!
"I would have expected those Lovable Ponies to put up such a fight." -- The Grim Reaper
"Someday I'll save Christmas with a vampire!" -- The Grim Reaper as a kid in school
"I would have expected those Lovable Ponies to put up such a fight." -- The Grim Reaper
"Someday I'll save Christmas with a vampire!" -- The Grim Reaper as a kid in school
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Snow Day
Today, we had about 7 inches of snow fall. So, schools were closed and Juri didn't have to work. I am on the start of my four-day weekend, so I didn't have work either. So, today was spent relaxing about the house. The kids and I played Kingdom Hearts, and Juri played Pirates. Then, we decided to go play in the snow for a while. Sean jumped around on this huge snow mountain made by the snow plows. I shoveled our driveway clear, working up quite a sweat! I started taking off my jacket and sweater, leaving my t-shirt on. I had the majority of the driveway cleared up when Juri asked if I'd take off my t-shirt too! I was pretty surprised by the request, but I obliged her anyway. What can I say, I love my wife, and I was pretty hot from all the shoveling, despite the fact that it was 34 degrees outside! So, I finished up the snow shoveling topless. It was pretty funny, and Juri took pictures, of course. The rest of the day was spent relaxing inside, enjoying some pizza, and watching some cartoons before the kids went to bed.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Beatmania IIDX
I have fallen in love with a new rhythm music game called beatmania IIDX! It is so difficult, but so fun! The objective of the game is to "play" a song by pressing keys on a special controller in time with the notes that fall down from the top of the screen. The more complicated the song is, the more difficult it is to play the song properly. The controller has seven buttons arranged similar to a piano, except that they are farther spaced, and a turntable to play special scratch notes in the song. Pictures speak louder than words...

The game definitely gives the feeling of actually making the song like a live DJ act. It is truly an exciting and unique experience! Even though I don't have the turntable controller yet, playing with my DualShock controller is still a good time. Matt and I have been toying around with the idea of building a controller ourselves, though I don't know how I'd go about making a turntable...

The game definitely gives the feeling of actually making the song like a live DJ act. It is truly an exciting and unique experience! Even though I don't have the turntable controller yet, playing with my DualShock controller is still a good time. Matt and I have been toying around with the idea of building a controller ourselves, though I don't know how I'd go about making a turntable...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Christmas Lights
Over the last week, I've been working on getting our Christmas lights hung on our house. Unfortunately, we had a problem with our lights! Every string had half the lights out. At first, I wanted to just replace all of our lights, but money is tight with the Christmas season, so I figured I could just fix it. I had a tough time at first figuring out the problem because I was so frustrated. Eventually, through the constant prodding of my lovely wife (I love you!), I hunkered down to figure out the problems. Turns out that we had multiple bad connections in parallel sections of the light strings. Using a multimeter, I narrowed down the bad lights and replaced them all. Juri even helped me out, speeding the work along nicely! So, now all I have to do is hang them!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Stones in my pee-pee?
Oh yeah, it has happened! I have kidney stones! Yesterday at work, I felt my back start to ache. I thought it was just some minor back pains. Later on that night, my back really started to hurt. It was a dull ache that throbbed, and it was only at the right side of my lower back. Juri tried to crack my back, but it didn't do much. I took some Tylenol and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, the pain was still there and when I went to the bathroom, it looked like I was extremely dehydrated. So, I drank water all morning and peed a lot. My urine looked better, and the pain seemed to ebb a bit. But then, at lunch time, the ache became unbearable! My pee looked like I had blood in it too! I was really scared then! I knew there was something wrong with my kidney at that point! I called medical and they told me to come in right away. Of course, as soon as I get to the clinic, my pain subsides. They have me pee in a cup, and determine that I have kidney stones! So, now I get to strain my urine to find the stone, and figure out if I will need to modify my diet a lot or not.
In other news, Juri has found the wonderful world of Google Video!! Try some of these searches: Nintendo acapella, matrix ping pong, and funny cat. Good stuff!
In other news, Juri has found the wonderful world of Google Video!! Try some of these searches: Nintendo acapella, matrix ping pong, and funny cat. Good stuff!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Target Slips Up!
So, I just discovered that Target made a misprint in their ad and online catalog listing the Nintendo DS as only $99.99! This is $30 off the list price!! To top this off, and to make this even news worthy, Target is honoring the misprint and selling the DS's at that price! How's that for a deal? So, you can save money on the DS and use that money to buy your first game. Here's a screen shot:
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Sleepless Nights
I have just as hard a time transitioning from Nights to Days as I do vice versa. Last night, when I put the kids to bed, I was so tired that I just passed out on the floor. I did it on purpose because I knew I wouldn't have survived anyway for the hour it'd take for them to fall asleep. So, Juri came to wake me up at 11pm and we went to bed. I slept for another 3 hours, and then I was awake! I may have drifted in and out of sleep over the course of 2am to 4:30pm, but I just couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well... I took to chance to get up early and take time in the morning to get prepared for work, instead of being rushed. It's going to suck tonight though! =)
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yay! Thanksgiving!!
It's snowing! Juri is making yummy food!! I managed to defeat my nemesis "The Phoenix" on Warning Forever (though I died against the next boss, "Hexa-Forced Phoenix Hell") and got a new high score!
It's snowing! Juri is making yummy food!! I managed to defeat my nemesis "The Phoenix" on Warning Forever (though I died against the next boss, "Hexa-Forced Phoenix Hell") and got a new high score!
Anyway, today has been a day of laziness and snow playing. Lots of fun!
My friend Matt gave some directions on his blog to Google the word "failure" and press I'm Feeling Lucky. In case you are wondering why you get the resulting web page, here is Google's reason. I've heard of the term "Googlebombing" before, but this is the first time I've seen it's effect as a practical joke. Pretty funny!
Monday, November 21, 2005
I'm horrible for several reasons:
- I haven't posted to this blog in a while. I know it isn't a big reason for being horrible, but it is a start to all the problems. I made this blog so that my family on the West Coast would be able to keep up with how I am doing in life and what kind of person I am nowadays. I was hoping to blog at least once a day, but I have obviously slacked in that department. The worst part is that I haven't told anyone about this blog except for a few friends and my dad. I haven't even told my mom, grandparents, and in-laws. Pretty lame!
- I'm supposed to buy snow tires for my car, since the winter is coming and my tires are low profile racing tires that probably won't hold any traction in the snowy roads. I've done some research and found that it'll be hard to find all-weather tires for 17" rims that will fit in my wheel well. That means that I may have to buy new rims as well! I was supposed to call my dealer to ask them for ideas or even if they have tires to accommodate the rims I already have, but I haven't done so yet!
- I made a system to keep track of our money when we were in a pinch, but as things got better again, I slacked off on it. Now, I'm behind on tracking our spending, and when Juri asked me to print a new register, I haven't done so. I was wanting to use a computer program instead (like Money or Quicken), but I realize now (as I type this) that our system let's us see exactly how much money we have easily! So, I need to print a new register right now! There! Now I need to update it...
- Today, Juri asked me to do the dishes. I totally forgot to do them! Now, she is really pissed at me. The reason is a really good one. I haven't been helping out with keeping the house clean as of late. Simply put, I've been tired and lazy. However, my reason is really lame! Juri has been in horrible pain lately when Sean headbutted her in the face, and her wisdom teeth need to be removed very soon! Her teeth must be horribly impacted right now. So, she hasn't been able to sleep well either. Juri must feel like she is constantly working too, since she takes care of the kids all day, and works on the weekdays at Curves. I'm sure she needs a break!
There are other reasons, I'm sure, as to why I'm a horrible person. Every time I make a plan to do something, it falls by the wayside. I thought that making a Todo list on my desktop would help get my ass in gear, but that obviously hasn't worked, since I haven't accomplished any of those tasks...
Please feel free to berate me. This isn't like me at all, and I need to change NOW!
P.S.: I know that it pisses you off, Juri, when I apologize in writing to you. This is more of an admittance to my faults as of late. When I come home in the morning, I'll have a better apology for you than the one I had for you this evening...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Back to school... again!
After a hiatus, thanks to some conflicts at work and the near mast incident, I'm going to start my next class in January. I started going to college on my birthday this year with the University of Phoenix Online. The school is known for having the toughest online school system in the country! They have a great deal for active duty military, where all your lower-division courses are free (except for books) when I use my Tuition Assistance. So, I finished my first class, and when that was done, my transfer credits came in from doing the Nuke program and some other miscellaneous classes I've taken. Now, after some life speed bumps, I'm back at it again. While my next class isn't until January, I need to take two proficiency tests for the math and English credits I transferred. Oh, my next class is an upper-division course (Human Motivation, PSY320), so it'll actually cost more money. Fortunately, there is a Tuition Assistance Top-Up program, which uses money from the MGI Bill that I put money in 7 years ago! Yay for free college!!
Monday, October 31, 2005
What a great day! I love this holiday as much as Christmas! Juri and I set up our yard very well this year. We had a graveyard with some bones sticking out of freshly dug graves, we had a fog machine, and Juri made an awesome crime scene on our driveway. People were very impressed with our setup and I think we had the best setting in housing! Of course, it probably doesn't compare to Josh's Haunted Yard, but I'd like to think we are getting there. (Can't wait to see your pics, Josh)
After I took the kids trick-or-treating, I played tricks on the older kids who were now coming by. I hid behind our huge bush and sprayed more fog as people came up to the house. Juri would give the kids and teens candy, and then I'd jump out from the fog as people were leaving or getting the candy. It was so great to hear the screams! Hahahaha!!!!!
After I took the kids trick-or-treating, I played tricks on the older kids who were now coming by. I hid behind our huge bush and sprayed more fog as people came up to the house. Juri would give the kids and teens candy, and then I'd jump out from the fog as people were leaving or getting the candy. It was so great to hear the screams! Hahahaha!!!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
It's Over!
For over two months, I've had a horrible event hanging over my head. Now I can finally relax!
Here is the scoop:
I had to go to Captain's Mast today for an issue with a tagout at work. Tagouts are a process that we use to ensure the safety of maintenance workers and prevent equipment damage. Tags are hung on breakers and valves with a sign to prevent their operation. A fair amount of research can be involved to ensure that everything that can input power into the component we are working on is tagged out. The more complicated the job, the harder and longer the research will take.
During our shutdown period, the shipyard is taking apart very major equipment, requiring us to do some major research. In order to ensure we do the job right, two people are require to independently determine the tags we need to hang. So, I had one of my guys start researching while the rest of us did some other work that was required to be accomplished that day. I was getting pressure from our supervision to get the tagout written quickly so that the shipyard could begin their work. I succumbed to this pressure and missed the fact that the first person missed a component to tag.
Because of this failure of writing a proper tagout, I was to be sent to Captain's Mast. However, the process is supposed to go a lot quicker than over two months! I have been stressing over going to see the Captain that I haven't slept well, and that I've been breaking out with random zits and gray hairs. Ugh... Anyway, I go see the Captain today and instead of holding Mast, he reprimands me and the guy who wrote the tagout. So, I'm not getting reduced in rank, or losing any money. I did lose some sanity and sleep though. I'm so glad that this is over!
Here is the scoop:
I had to go to Captain's Mast today for an issue with a tagout at work. Tagouts are a process that we use to ensure the safety of maintenance workers and prevent equipment damage. Tags are hung on breakers and valves with a sign to prevent their operation. A fair amount of research can be involved to ensure that everything that can input power into the component we are working on is tagged out. The more complicated the job, the harder and longer the research will take.
During our shutdown period, the shipyard is taking apart very major equipment, requiring us to do some major research. In order to ensure we do the job right, two people are require to independently determine the tags we need to hang. So, I had one of my guys start researching while the rest of us did some other work that was required to be accomplished that day. I was getting pressure from our supervision to get the tagout written quickly so that the shipyard could begin their work. I succumbed to this pressure and missed the fact that the first person missed a component to tag.
Because of this failure of writing a proper tagout, I was to be sent to Captain's Mast. However, the process is supposed to go a lot quicker than over two months! I have been stressing over going to see the Captain that I haven't slept well, and that I've been breaking out with random zits and gray hairs. Ugh... Anyway, I go see the Captain today and instead of holding Mast, he reprimands me and the guy who wrote the tagout. So, I'm not getting reduced in rank, or losing any money. I did lose some sanity and sleep though. I'm so glad that this is over!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Josh found me!
So, my old friend Josh found me apparently! Long time no see, man! By the way, you may have found me, but I still don't have your email address, so get in touch with me by clicking on my email link on this page!
For everyone else, Josh McGrew is a great friend of mine from the Enterprise. Well, he got out of the Navy and moved to Washington or something, or maybe he went back to Iowa. Who knows? Hopefully, we'll get in touch again, so freaking email me!!!
For everyone else, Josh McGrew is a great friend of mine from the Enterprise. Well, he got out of the Navy and moved to Washington or something, or maybe he went back to Iowa. Who knows? Hopefully, we'll get in touch again, so freaking email me!!!
Friday, October 21, 2005
I'm having a little get together with my friends from work at our house tonight. It's been a while since my division has had a group gathering, so I figured that while I was the LPO, I'd initiate a get together of my own. Well, people should be arriving in a few minutes and I'm kind of nervous. The reason: I suck at throwing parties! The only successful one that I ever did was Juri's surprise birthday, every other time I try to have some sort of party, people end up bored. I hope tonight is different, but I don't know how much fun we can have on a night before a work day. How lame am I to have a party on the day before we go back to work?! DUH!! What a retard...
Monday, October 17, 2005
Old Skool
I recently pulled out my old Super Nintendo, which I believe is one of the greatest video game systems ever! It is so funny holding the old controller. It seems so small compared to the new controllers of the PS2 and GameCube. Anyway, I've been playing Contra III: The Alien Wars, and it's been a blast! Games of old had a challenge level that obliterates the majority of today's games. The last boss in Contra III is especially difficult! Guh! I'm out of practice so I imagine another day of play will get me back to my old skill level at the game.
Don't get me wrong, I love the games of today too. Shadow of the Colossus comes out tomorrow, which I'm really excited about. Then there is Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Kingdom Hearts 2, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, beatmania, etc, etc, etc. I'm an addict, I'll admit it! =)
Don't get me wrong, I love the games of today too. Shadow of the Colossus comes out tomorrow, which I'm really excited about. Then there is Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Kingdom Hearts 2, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, beatmania, etc, etc, etc. I'm an addict, I'll admit it! =)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Navy Ball
Today, Juri and I went to the Navy's Birthday Ball, or just Navy Ball for short. It was a very formal affair, so Juri had har hair done up and nails manicured. We got her a beautiful dress. She was absolutely gorgeous! I had to wear a uniform, with the cracker jack outfit the minimum. Not wanting to be looking like everyone else, I opted to go above the cracker jacks and wear my wedding outfit, the Dinner Dress Blues. There was dinner, dancing, and door prizes. I won a $20 gift card to The Gap. After a few hours, Juri and I left because all they were playing was lame country music. Not that I expected the DJ to play any techno or anything of that sort, but country music is so depressing!
Nonetheless, we had a wonderful night, and we owe Matt for being the one who was able to make it happen. He watched the kids for us! Thanks, Matt!
Nonetheless, we had a wonderful night, and we owe Matt for being the one who was able to make it happen. He watched the kids for us! Thanks, Matt!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Night of Nights
This is the night that I stay up in between the Swings and Mids shift, doing whatever I want to do. I haven't written to the blog in a few days, so I thought I'd start the night by doing that.
I've made HUGE progress to the arcade cabinet in the past few days. My control panel construction came along quite well. Right now, I'm laying out the controls in pencil, see how it feels, and then begin drilling the holes for the buttons, joysticks and trackball. I think I'm going to need to buy a router to be able to install the joysticks and trackball though, since the MDF is pretty thick at 3/4". I need a router to be able to cut grooves for the T-molding to fit into as well.
Matt and I played DDR Extreme 2 for three hours continuously today. I think that has been the longest I have ever spent playing DDR straight. I've been playing the game for years, and I never had a stretch of game time like that. I was pretty tired at the end, but we made some good progress through Dance Master Mode. However, I cheated a little before I went to nap for the Night of Nights. I used a controller to pass a couple of bothersome missions. I admit it.
Well, I think I'm going to finish drawing in the rest of the buttons on the control panel, and then play some games on the computer. I'm going to turn on Adult Swim too. I love Family Guy!
I've made HUGE progress to the arcade cabinet in the past few days. My control panel construction came along quite well. Right now, I'm laying out the controls in pencil, see how it feels, and then begin drilling the holes for the buttons, joysticks and trackball. I think I'm going to need to buy a router to be able to install the joysticks and trackball though, since the MDF is pretty thick at 3/4". I need a router to be able to cut grooves for the T-molding to fit into as well.
Matt and I played DDR Extreme 2 for three hours continuously today. I think that has been the longest I have ever spent playing DDR straight. I've been playing the game for years, and I never had a stretch of game time like that. I was pretty tired at the end, but we made some good progress through Dance Master Mode. However, I cheated a little before I went to nap for the Night of Nights. I used a controller to pass a couple of bothersome missions. I admit it.
Well, I think I'm going to finish drawing in the rest of the buttons on the control panel, and then play some games on the computer. I'm going to turn on Adult Swim too. I love Family Guy!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Progress and DDR Extreme 2
I've been really busy lately. My four day weekend went very, very well! We went apple picking, got a new digital camera and DDR Extreme 2. The thing that makes DDR Extreme 2 so much fun is it's new Dance Master Mode. Normally, DDR games have you unlock new songs to dance to by playing from a set of 40-50 songs repeatedly. Now, you only start with 20 songs unlocked and you have to play the Dance Master mode to quickly unlock the other 54 songs, otherwise it will take much longer by the normal means. Dance Master mode requires the player to complete challenges such as reaching a certain score or grade, or not stepping on a particular arrow, or completing a custom dance routine. It can be very challenging and exciting, because there are all of these hidden paths to new songs and special things to buy with your points you earn from completing a song. Pretty fun!
Also, I've managed to make some progress on my big arcade cabinet project! I finally managed to get the control panel together! I was having such a tough time getting the sides of the panel attached to the bottom, because my glue wasn't holding up, or pieces weren't aligning properly. I ended up puting the project on hiatus for a few months because I was getting so aggrivated. Well, I decided to pick up where I left off because I realized what my problem was: impatience! I wasn't taking the time to let the Liquid Nails glue dry completely, so the glue wouldn't completely bond to my MDF wood. I figured out what I could be doing while I'm waiting for glue to dry from here on out. I can work on my artwork (which I'm still working on a theme for), design my control panel, and I can get some more pieces of my cabinet cut that warped or weren't cut very well. So, there is plenty that I can accomplish on the cabinet while not directly working on the construction. I just need to take my time, and not rush things. I've spent a good chunk of change on this and I don't want the arcade cabinet to look like crap. =)
Also, I've managed to make some progress on my big arcade cabinet project! I finally managed to get the control panel together! I was having such a tough time getting the sides of the panel attached to the bottom, because my glue wasn't holding up, or pieces weren't aligning properly. I ended up puting the project on hiatus for a few months because I was getting so aggrivated. Well, I decided to pick up where I left off because I realized what my problem was: impatience! I wasn't taking the time to let the Liquid Nails glue dry completely, so the glue wouldn't completely bond to my MDF wood. I figured out what I could be doing while I'm waiting for glue to dry from here on out. I can work on my artwork (which I'm still working on a theme for), design my control panel, and I can get some more pieces of my cabinet cut that warped or weren't cut very well. So, there is plenty that I can accomplish on the cabinet while not directly working on the construction. I just need to take my time, and not rush things. I've spent a good chunk of change on this and I don't want the arcade cabinet to look like crap. =)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Getting One Million Roses!
Juri and I have been hard at work getting the one million roses in We Love Katamari. We have reached 181,000 so far. It's been a chore, but when we work together, the progress moves along quite nicely. We had a plan last night to tape the controller so that the katamari rolls around on it's own, collecting roses while we sleep. It worked okay. I was hoping for some better results. It collected only 5,000 roses after about 7 hours, which I can easily accomplish on my own within 30 minutes. So, I think I need to do a better angle of rotation or something. We have the katamari circling the ice rink stage, which is circular in design and has a HUGE density of roses and rose bunches. Hopefully we can get some better results tonight!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Open House
Today was Open House at Sean's school. It was great to see his classroom and his teachers, learn about the instruction they do, and meet all of his teachers. His new ABA class has really helped him a lot! It was amazing to hear from Sean's teachers about all the good stuff that he is accomplishing and talk about the new things he has started to do at home on his own. Sean is a wonderful boy, and I am so proud of him. Apparently, Sean has been participating more and more in his group sessions, and speaking sentences without prompting lately. I've noticed the sentences at home as well over the past week. My little boy is getting big!
On the way to the Open House, I saw a billboard that made me teary. It was one of those Organization for a Better Life billboards. It was of a man sitting on the summit of Mt. Everest and the caption said, "Climbed Everest. Blind." For some reason, that just really got me!
On the way to the Open House, I saw a billboard that made me teary. It was one of those Organization for a Better Life billboards. It was of a man sitting on the summit of Mt. Everest and the caption said, "Climbed Everest. Blind." For some reason, that just really got me!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Katamaris Dance in my Mind!
This freaking game has Juri and I hooked! We Love Katamaris! It's been non-stop for the last four days now. To top it all off, Juri and I worked together to finish the game and we are rewarded with the task of collecting 1,000,000 freaking roses!! Holy crap! We are on our second day of the task so far and haven't even reached 100,000 roses yet (though we are getting close with our spontaneous 15 minute sessions). Thankfully, we are able to save our progress as we go. I can't get the music out of my head either. I love it though. It is so much fun to see how big I can get my katamari to be. I'm holding a record of about 3300 meters, though I know people have achieved higher than that.
In other news, I ran my PRT today. While I did better in my pushups and situps, I fell back some on my run with a time of 11:14. I could have done better, but it seemed like many of us who ran it today fell back in their performance. In any case, I have a better overall score this time with an Excellent Low. Yay!
Well, Juri is hinting at me to get outside and mow the back lawn. Better get to it.
In other news, I ran my PRT today. While I did better in my pushups and situps, I fell back some on my run with a time of 11:14. I could have done better, but it seemed like many of us who ran it today fell back in their performance. In any case, I have a better overall score this time with an Excellent Low. Yay!
Well, Juri is hinting at me to get outside and mow the back lawn. Better get to it.
Monday, September 26, 2005
My Children
I have the two most adorable children in the world! I love them completely! Even though we can have difficult times, and stressful moments, every day ends with me putting them in bed, giving them a big hug, and saying good night. That seems to be the one moment of each day that Sean and Maia are quiet and peaceful. While I sit there waiting for them to fall asleep, I sometimes reflect on the day we had, and the love I have for them. Of course, sometimes I play my GameBoy or fall asleep too.
In any case, I love them both unconditionally!
In any case, I love them both unconditionally!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Slow Day
While the wife went to her Creative Memories crop she was holding, the kids and I hung out at the house all day. We didn't do too much though. Thanks to the rain, we were restricted to sticking around the house. Kinda boring. I was supposed to mow the lawn today too, but the weather prevented that. Hopefully tomorrow will bode better for some lawn mowing action. Gotta get ready for the coming winter!
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Relaxing Day
Today's been a nice day of R & R. Having had a rough past week, this Saturday was highly anticipated. Juri has been doing business all day, so it has just been the kids and I. We've played outside and enjoyed some beautiful weather. I'm making dinner right now, but I really suck at it... I managed to mess up rice tonight! What a retard I am. Well, at least Juri won't be eating it. She is on a low carb diet, and so she won't be eating the rice. But, if she ate it, she'd yell at me!!!
Okay, she wouldn't really. But, she would definitely make fun of me!
Anyway, today has been a day of relaxation and katamari rolling. Gotta get back to dinner.
Okay, she wouldn't really. But, she would definitely make fun of me!
Anyway, today has been a day of relaxation and katamari rolling. Gotta get back to dinner.
Friday, September 23, 2005
I'm going out tonight! It's been a while... Last party I went to was for a farewell party for my friend Arlis as he departed for officerhood back in February this year. Tonight, I'm going to another farewell party to wish my friend Aaron luck to whatever boat he is heading for next week. Going out to get drunk and smashed is not my thing, but spending time with my friends is, so I'm going to see them, have a couple drinks, and then come home once they have worn off. See ya!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
My wife comes upstairs while I'm giving the kids a bath and tells me, "Guess what? A Bungie employee called."
I exclaimed, "What!? Who called? Why?" I'm thinking my wife put me on some contest on the Red vs. Blue website or something like that.
She says, "Yeah, Master Chief called for you!"
Huh? What? Turns out, she was talking about my master chief at work! Silly Juri! =) That definitely made me laugh.
In other news, I went out and bought We ♥ Katamari today! Yay! It's really funny, and a lot of fun to play. Juri and I got to try the two-player co-op mode, which was quite difficult to do. I'm sure that once we get the hang of the modified controls, it'll be much smoother.
I exclaimed, "What!? Who called? Why?" I'm thinking my wife put me on some contest on the Red vs. Blue website or something like that.
She says, "Yeah, Master Chief called for you!"
Huh? What? Turns out, she was talking about my master chief at work! Silly Juri! =) That definitely made me laugh.
In other news, I went out and bought We ♥ Katamari today! Yay! It's really funny, and a lot of fun to play. Juri and I got to try the two-player co-op mode, which was quite difficult to do. I'm sure that once we get the hang of the modified controls, it'll be much smoother.
A Great Day!
Even though, thanks to Lost, I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted to last night, I still managed to have a great day at work today! There wasn't a lot of surprise maintenance that came up, and my watch was enjoyable. I even managed to let a couple people leave early today.
Speaking of Lost, that show has me really hooked in. I didn't see every episode last season, but the second season opener was absolutely amazing! The show revolves around mysterious pasts and a crazy island, and when you think that some events can't possibly be related, you end up getting smacked in the face with evidence to the contrary. If you haven't watched this show yet, DO SO NOW!!! It's great, believe me!
Speaking of Lost, that show has me really hooked in. I didn't see every episode last season, but the second season opener was absolutely amazing! The show revolves around mysterious pasts and a crazy island, and when you think that some events can't possibly be related, you end up getting smacked in the face with evidence to the contrary. If you haven't watched this show yet, DO SO NOW!!! It's great, believe me!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Worst Sleep Ever
Title explains it all...
Gotta go to work now...
My wife really loves me, and I appreciate everything that she does for me, especially when she wakes up in the morning with me to tell me she loves me. =) Thanks, baby.
Gotta go to work now...
My wife really loves me, and I appreciate everything that she does for me, especially when she wakes up in the morning with me to tell me she loves me. =) Thanks, baby.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Can't Sleep... Random Thoughts
We've gone to bed, yet I can't sleep. I know that part of the reason is that I fell asleep while I was putting the little ones to sleep tonight for an hour. However, m mind is also racing from one random thought to another, so I figured writing about them might help put my mind to rest and let me catch some Z's. So, here we go in no particular order or sense...
- Maggie won Big Brother 6 tonight. Good because Ivette didn't win, bad because Janelle didn't make it to the end.
- Is this issue with tagouts ever going to be resolved? Will I go to Captain's Mast soon? Who is driving this insanity? Are they just trying to make an example out of my coworker and I?
- I got another new person at work today. I need to introduce him to the rest of the section tomorrow and make room for him on the planner program (I shouldn't have deleted those extra spaces we had before, Matt).
- Final Fantasy VII is god awful by today's standards! I can't believe how much I loved that game when it came out, and how great I thought the graphics looked. We've come a long way since then! And who the hell translated that game?? It's horrible!
- Am I too hard on my children? I feel like I am. I really don't want Maia to act like a spoiled brat, but she seems to get worse day by day. I think I push Sean too hard to be normal, which is definitely wrong.
- We raised a lot of money for the Albany Autism Society Walk, but those people who said that they were going to donate on the web site after the Walk ended still haven't done so... and probably will not ever.
- I really need to get back to work on my arcade cabinet!! What a slacker I am! That control panel has me really pissed though. Maybe after taking such a long break from it will help be gain a new perspective on its construction.
- Why do I keep having these issues with my router randomly dropping our connection?! Where are these DoS attacks coming from that the router's firewall is blocking? Is that the reason for the random loss of connection to the router?
Alright, that's enough. I feel a little better getting that off my chest now. I hope I can fall asleep now. Good night.
The Sick
There's a sickness going around work lately, and I've been fortunate enough to avoid it, so far. Of course, now that I'm saying something, I'll probably get whatever is going around. As usual, my family will get sick as well, which just causes all sorts of misery and pain. 2005 has been a bad one for getting sick. My entire family has been sick at least 10 times, thanks to us passing around our nasty viruses between each other multiple times over the course of the year.
Monday, September 19, 2005
I'm very much loved!
Today at work, when things seemed their worst, my wife gives me a call. All she wanted to do was tell me that she loved me. It was the sweetest thing and it really cheered me up. The positive outlook improved my day and made things go much smoother.
Thanks, baby!
Thanks, baby!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
There is only one reason why I hate the day shift and training week shift over swings and midnight: lack of sleep. For some reason, I stay up too late (usually to midnight) and wake up too early (5 to 5:30 am). I'm way too tired!! =(
I suppose I should go to bed early tonight. More than likely, I'll end up falling asleep while putting the kids to bed. I have to stay up in the bedroom with the kids while they are falling asleep because if they don't see me in there, they get out of bed. Usually, I play on my Nintendo DS in order to stay awake, but this time I'll let the sleep grab hold of me and pull me under.
I suppose I should go to bed early tonight. More than likely, I'll end up falling asleep while putting the kids to bed. I have to stay up in the bedroom with the kids while they are falling asleep because if they don't see me in there, they get out of bed. Usually, I play on my Nintendo DS in order to stay awake, but this time I'll let the sleep grab hold of me and pull me under.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Walk for Autism
Tomorrow, my family will be participating in the Walk for Autism. We were able to raise over $400!! Good stuff! I want to thank everyone who was able to donate to this cause, even with all the other great causes to donate to recently. I've always felt bad about asking people for money, but this time was different. My son, Sean, has been diagnosed with Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD), a part of the autistic spectrum. So, it has become a more personal cause for me.
When I was young, I participated in the Aids Walk often. One of my cousins died from Aids, so I felt compelled to help. Juri always says that I feel compelled to help anyone in need. However, I was never able to raise much money for the Aids Walks that I was a part of because I hated to ask others for money. Now I realize that the issue was a personal one. By being personally impacted by the autistic spectrum, I knew that money I raised could personally aid my family in the future, whether it was through research to find a cause or cure.
I wish my family luck tomorrow. I wish I could walk with them, but I have to work. We don't ahve enough people at work lately to support me taking the day off that day. =(
When I was young, I participated in the Aids Walk often. One of my cousins died from Aids, so I felt compelled to help. Juri always says that I feel compelled to help anyone in need. However, I was never able to raise much money for the Aids Walks that I was a part of because I hated to ask others for money. Now I realize that the issue was a personal one. By being personally impacted by the autistic spectrum, I knew that money I raised could personally aid my family in the future, whether it was through research to find a cause or cure.
I wish my family luck tomorrow. I wish I could walk with them, but I have to work. We don't ahve enough people at work lately to support me taking the day off that day. =(
Friday, September 16, 2005
New Blogger
Alright, I admit that I've jumped onto the band wagon. My wife gets a weblog page, so I feel compelled to follow. Don't get me wrong, I've wanted to do so before, but I just didn't know what to write about. With blogging, though, you don't need to have a topic to write about. I can write about anything at all. So, I'll be writing about my life, my thoughts, and my actions. Hopefully, through this blog, you can find out more about me, and family can discover what I am doing with my life, since I'm so bad at making phone calls every so often!
So, I will attempt to post at least once a day to my weblog. Thanks for reading!
So, I will attempt to post at least once a day to my weblog. Thanks for reading!
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